How to implement lockdown exam browser and prevent a user from visiting other tabs, windows or apps?

To enable the Lockdown Exam Browser hence, the Fullscreen Mode:
August, 2022

To enable the Lockdown Exam Browser hence, the Fullscreen Mode:

  • Visit the TASK’S STEP for which you want to activate the Fullscreen Mode, and click the blue pen button


    • Scroll down and open the Secure Exam Browser menu.
      • Set the rules for the Fullscreen Enforcement :
        • Limit No. of Violations: How many times the user can attempt to exit the Fullscreen Mode.
          • Limit seconds per violation: How many seconds the user can exit the Fullscreen Mode during each alert.
            • Limit seconds of total violation: The total number of seconds the user can exit the Fullscreen Mode before the system ends the exam.
              • Limit seconds when selecting a file: If the exam requires the participant to upload a file to the exam, you can limit how many seconds the participant can use to upload the respective file. If the exam does not require the participant to upload any files, you can skip this option.
                • Limit seconds when asking for media permission: If the exam requires the participant to take a photo or use external media, you can limit how many seconds the participant can use to perform that action. If the exam does not require taking photos or uploading files, you can skip this option.

                Not every Fullscreen Enforcement Violation is a definitive indication of inappropriate behavior. Pop-ups and system alerts for emails or updates can be some of the reasons the Fullscreen Mode is exited without the test-taker’s knowledge.


                                        System alerts when a user attempts to exit the Fullscreen Mode

                  Test Invite does not track what application or website the user may have been looking at during the seconds they exit the Fullscreen Mode. Enabling Screen Recording allows proctors to see exactly what the test-takers were looking at throughout the exam.  

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