How to add a video to a question using URL/UPLOAD/YOUTUBE (Embed)?
All types of questions support video content. You can add video content to your question with a rich text editor.
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August, 2022
All types of questions support video content.
In the Question Bank, select the type of question you want to create.
2. In the Rich Content Editor bar select the Video icon.
3. Select the respective tab
Paste the URL of the video you want to add to the question. Remember that the URL needs to be for the video file, NOT for the page or platform the video is displayed on (such as YouTube, Vimeo etc.).
Select Allow Pause to allow test-taker to pause the video.
If you uncheck the Allow Going Forward-Backward box, you can limit how many times the test-taker can watch the video.
Click ADD.
Select Allow Pause to allow test-takers to pause the video.
If you uncheck the Allow Going Forward-Backward box, you can limit how many times the test-taker can watch the video.
Click Select File and select the video you want to upload.
In the Youtube page of the video you want to embed, go to SHARE -> Embed, and copy only the embed URL of the video.
2. Paste the address into Youtube embed URL.
Click Preview to see how the question will be displayed in the test.