Navigation Settings

Page Description
July, 2022

Navigation Settings


The navigation settings of 2 parts of the exam can be adjusted so that the user can move back and forth inside the test:

  • Navigation between exam sections: the user can go back and forth between the sections of the exam. This adjustment is made in the Test Settings window.
    • Navigation between section pages: the user can go back and forth between the pages within the section. This adjustment is made in the Section Settings window of the relevant section.

      3 options are available in the Navigation Setting:

      • Allow going forward & backward: the user can go back and forth and jump as he/she wants.
        • Allow going backward: the user can move forward one by one, not jump forward, or go back to the pages he passed.
          • Don’t allow going forward & backward: the user can only go forward one by one, cannot jump forward, cannot go back.

            There is only one exception to the forward-backward settings: if the section or page has a time limit, the user cannot return after passing the relevant section or page. Examples:

            • Even if the test taker is allow to navigate between sections, if the first section has a Time Limit and the test taker goes to the second section, the user cannot go back to the first section.
              • Even if the test taker is allow to navigate between pages, if a page in the section has a Time Limit, the user cannot return to the same page after passing this page.

                Let’s examine the following example:

                • The option “Allow going forward & backward” between Sections is activated, thus, the user will be able to navigate freely between sections and pages.
                  • In the first Section, the option “Allow going backward” is activated, thus, the user will only be able to go backwards.
                    • In the second Section, the option “Don’t allow to go forward & backward” is activated, thus, the user won’t be able to navigate between sections or pages.

                      You can run the exam by clicking on the Exam Preview button 


                      and experience how the Navigation Settings work.

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