Randomizing questions

Randomize tests pages and questions to make cheating harder.
November, 2022

Randomizing questions will allow you to assign different questions to different participants to make cheating way harder since Test-takers will get different questions in different orders. Most of the randomization is done on a Test-taker basis which means everyone gets a different combination of questions.

Randomization types

You can randomize Test pages and questions in multitude of ways.

Static page builder

Allows you to create pages instantly by selecting questions from your Question bank. You can edit the pages created by Static page builder.

Dynamic page builder

Allows you to create pages instantly by selecting questions from your Question bank. These created pages will be different for each Test-taker.

Page picker

The system picks a random page or pages from the pool of pre-made pages. You can create as many pages as you want under the random page picker. The system will then select a predefined amount of pages from this pool. The pages will be random for each Test-taker.

Random question selector

Selects random questions from a pool of your choosing. The questions will be different for each Test-taker.


Mustafa Ekim

Mustafa Ekim, founder of TestInvite and QuizCV, brings nearly a decade of expertise in building online assessment platforms for custom, secure tests.
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