How many participants may take an exam simultaneously?

If you are looking to implement exams for hundreds or thousands of participants at the same time, the following questions may be asked:

Created by Erdem Ekim / August, 2022

If you are looking to implement exams for hundreds or thousands of participants at the same time, the following questions may be asked:

How does TestInvite assessment system handle simultaneous exams?

TestInvite assessment system is a cloud-native solution that resides inside Google Cloud. All the services that the examination depends on, scale up and down automatically. The system can deliver as high as 50.000 assessments simultaneously.

What happens when 10.000+ people try to take the exam simultaneously?

At the beginning of the exam, when all people try to initiate their assessments, there will be a spike in the number of simultaneous requests. That signals the cloud services to start scaling up automatically. That “warming-up” period may take from 30 seconds to 2-3 minutes. During this period of time, some of the people will need to wait a few minutes. Once the system is scaled up, the lags will start to drastically go down.

Can TestInvite assessment system record the screen and webcam videos of 10.000+ people simultaneously?

Unlike the assessment materials, all the monitoring media materials (videos and photos) are uploaded directly from the client to cloud storage services – without any intermediary. That’s why we almost never experience any scalability issue in media uploads of the monitoring/proctoring process.

Can the exam administrators proctor thousands of people taking the exam simultaneously?

The number of people one administrator (exam invigilator) can proctor simultaneously depends on the network bandwidth, network speed, and computer hardware of the administrator. If the proctor has a modest computer with a regular internet connection, 20 to 30 people can be proctored simultaneously. That’s why we always recommend dividing people into groups of 20/30 persons. By doing so, any number of simultaneous exams can be proctored at the same time – as long as you have enough proctors.

Note: If you do not have enough proctors, one proctor can navigate among groups.

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