Administering, Proctoring and Conducting Tests, Exams and Assessments Online

TestInvite is an online assessment platform that enables you to design and deliver your assessments in a secure way.
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Created by TestInvite / May, 2024

Setting assessment user interface language

TestInvite supports multiple languages. When you are building an assessment process, you can set the language to be used in the user interfaces throughout the assessment process. If your preferred language does not exist among the options, you can contact us so that we can add your language to the list as well.

The language that you set will be the default language for your assessment process, meaning that all the test takers will face screens in your preferred language. However, you can overwrite the default language for a particular candidate. Similarly, the test-taker can also change the language so that the screens are displayed in a language he/she is more comfortable with.

The determination of the preferred language by the candidate.
The determination of the preferred language by the candidate.

If the language you prefer does not exist in options, you can contact us to add it to options.

Determine the Participation Fee for the Assessment Process

It is possible to determine a participation fee for your assessments. In this way, candidates can participate in your online tests, exams or inventories after having paid the determined fee.

The screenshot of the page where the candidate is redirected to pay the participation fee
The screenshot of the page where the candidate is redirected to pay the participation fee
The determination of the participation fee for the texts or exams
The determination of the participation fee for the texts or exams

Determine the Authentication Method

It is possible to determine the which authentication method will be used for the participation in the assessment process.

The participation of candidates in assessments by authentication method
The participation of candidates in assessments by authentication method

Authentication through the invitation code

The assessment system can generate a unique invitation code for each candidate defined within the system. Through this method, each candidate authenticates using his/her unique code and accesses to the examination process.

The participation in the assessment process through invitation code
The participation in the assessment process through invitation code

Deliver Invitation Codes to Candidates

There are two methods to deliver the unique invitation codes that are generated for each candidate:

  • You can deliver invitation codes to each candidate by sending invitation e-mail through the system. If you do not prefer candidates to write their invitation codes, the assessment system can create a direct access link containing the relevant invitation code and deliver it to the candidate. In this case, candidates can access the assessment process simply by clicking on the button inside the e-mail delivered to them.
    The button containing the exam link, inside the invitation e-mail
    The button containing the exam link, inside the invitation e-mail
    • You can take invitation codes of each candidate from the examination system and deliver to them by yourself.

      Authentication through Identity Number, PIN Code or Password

      You can ask candidates to authenticate by entering any unique identification code. Examples:

      • Password
        • PIN
          • ID Number
            • Student Number

              In this case, candidates can only authenticate by writing one of their unique identification codes and access the examination system.

              The authentication through ID number
              The authentication through ID number
              The authentication through PIN code
              The authentication through PIN code

              Authentication through the User Name and Password

              You can ask candidates to authenticate through two unique identification informations. Examples:

              • User Name and Password
                • ID Number and Password
                  • Candidate Track Number and Birth Year

                    In this case, candidates can only authenticate through the information registered to the exam system and access the assessment process.

                    The authentication through User Name and Password
                    The authentication through User Name and Password

                    Create Public Assessment Processes

                    You can disable the authentication step in the assessment process. In this case, anyone who visits the unique link for the assessment process, can participate in your exams.

                    Collect Data from Candidates

                    You can collect data from candidates in the beginning of the assessment process. In order to do this, you can create a form and ask any question to the participants. Candidates can start the assessment process after having filled the form you created.

                    The form that is created for collecting data from candidates
                    The form that is created for collecting data from candidates

                    Determine Dates between which the Assessment Process is Accessible

                    You can determine the accesibility of the tests or online exams through active-passive options. You can set time period in which candidates can enter the test or exam that is in the active state, by appointing beginning/ending date and hour for the assessment process.

                    Displaying the starting hour with the remaining time to the starting hour of the exam
                    Displaying the starting hour with the remaining time to the starting hour of the exam
                    During the exam, displaying the remaining time to the ending hour of the exam
                    During the exam, displaying the remaining time to the ending hour of the exam

                    Build a Welcome Page for your Assessment Process

                    A Welcome Page is where you welcome your test takers and inform them about your assessment process. By using the rich content editor, you can add any kind of content like formatted texts, images, audios or even videos into this page. Because the welcome page is the first page that your candidates will face, it is good to let them know about what the assessment is about, how they can authenticate and proceed, what the steps are, who they can contact with in case they need support etc.

                    Creating welcome page for the candidates
                    Creating welcome page for the candidates

                    If you enable authentication for your assessment, the system will automatically inject the login panel into this page. Depending on how you configured the authentication settings, the candidate will be asked to enter the required credentials like invitation code, username & password, access code, PIN number, ID number etc.

                    Because the welcome page is the first page that your candidates will face, it is good to inform them through the page, about important points of the assessment process. For example you can give answers of following questions:

                    • How will be authentication done?
                      • What is the context of the test, exam or the envantory?
                        • Of which steps does the process consist?
                          • To whom can the candidate appeal in case of having need of support?

                            Adding company logo into the Welcome Page

                            You can add your organization’s logo into the Welcome Page. The company logo will make the page warmer. It will also help you brand the page and look more professional. Moreover, the test takers will ensure that they are at the right place.

                            Adding an Instruction Video or Audio into the Welcome Page

                            You can add audio and video into the Welcome Page. The audio and video instructions may help the candidates to better understand the assessment process.

                            Adding an audio record including an explanation about the assessment to the Welcome Page
                            Adding an audio record including an explanation about the assessment to the Welcome Page

                            Adding Assessment Instructions

                            After the Welcome Page comes the Assessment Page where you can add the general instructions about the assessment process. If your assessment is set up so that it requires authentication, this page is only shown to the ones who successfully authenticate. In this case, your content will only be visible to the people who are given access. You can give brief informations in instructions such as:

                            • Security measures of assessment process
                              • General online exam rules (such as restrictions and permitions. Ex: Smart phones and calculators are forbidden etc.
                                • The rules candidates have to follow during online exams

                                  Like the Welcome Page, the instructions of the Assessment Page can also have rich formatted contents and media materials like image, audio and video.

                                  Adding assessment insructions with an audio file
                                  Adding assessment insructions with an audio file

                                  Adding assessment insructions with an audio file

                                  The system can redirect your users to another page after they complete the assessment. The “Exit URL” property is where you can define the URL of the page that the users will be redirected to.

                                  Redirecting candidates who completed the exam to another page
                                  Redirecting candidates who completed the exam to another page

                                  Adding One or Multiple Tests into the Assessment

                                  Your assessment can have one or multiple tests. For every test that you would like it to be part of the assessment, you can add a new step and assign one of your tests or a test that you bought from the library.

                                  Creating assessments with multiple tests
                                  Creating assessments with multiple tests

                                  Changing the Order of the Tests in the Assessment

                                  You can change the order of your tests. The tests will be listed in the same order. Changing the order may be important if you define some continuation rules. One continuation rule can ensure that the candidate can proceed with the following test only if he/she got a passing score in the previous test.

                                  Display of how the test order is determined in assessments consisting of multiple tests
                                  Display of how the test order is determined in assessments consisting of multiple tests

                                  Adding an Instruction for Each Test

                                  Each of your tests in the assessment can have its own instructions. The instruction content can have rich content, images, audio, video and file attachments. The test’s instruction is the perfect place to let participants know the time limits, the number of sections or questions, navigation restrictions, security practices and so on.

                                  Adding instructions for each exam to the assessment
                                  Adding instructions for each exam to the assessment

                                  Adding a Consent Statement or Privacy Notice

                                  Each of your tests can have its own consent statement. You can ask the candidates to agree to a consent statement outlining data transfer practices, privacy practices, how cookies are used, or other policies.

                                  Confirmation of a consent statement before the begining of the test
                                  Confirmation of a consent statement before the begining of the test

                                  Tests’ Delivery Settings

                                  Each test in the assessment has its own delivery settings. The delivery settings include multiple configurations from access dates to device restrictions to proctoring methods etc.

                                  Test’s Access Dates

                                  You can configure when your test will be available. You can do it by configuring a start date, end date or both.

                                  Configuring the test’s start date

                                  You can set a start date and time for your test, which will make your test available only after the specified start date & time.

                                  Configuring the test’s end date

                                  You can set an end date and time for your test, which will make your test available only before the specified start date & time.

                                  Changing the timezone of the access dates

                                  By default, all the dates and times that you enter will be interpreted in your organization’s default timezone. However you can customize the timezone when you enter a date or time.

                                  Changing the access dates' timezone for each assessment process
                                  Changing the access dates' timezone for each assessment process

                                  Making a test active or passive

                                  You can manually make one of your tests active or passive. Once a test is made passive, no one can start the test. However, even if you make a test active, the date restrictions will still apply. So if you want someone to be able to start your test, both your test should be active and the date restrictions should not prevent access.

                                  Making a test active or passive
                                  Making a test active or passive

                                  Making a test available for multiple attempts

                                  You can configure how many times a candidate can take each of your tests. You can even configure it so that unlimited attempts will be available.

                                  Determining number of attempts for taking the assessment
                                  Determining number of attempts for taking the assessment

                                  If there is another test that follows, you can configure the continuation rule so that the maximum score, the minimum score or the average score will be counted to figure out if the candidate will be allowed to proceed with the next test.

                                  Setting device restrictions for a test

                                  You can configure which devices will be allowed to start a test. You can allow or disallow browsers, platforms, operating systems and so on. You can both exclude or include the devices.

                                  Restricting devices, browsers, and operating systems that can be used during the administration of the assessment
                                  Restricting devices, browsers, and operating systems that can be used during the administration of the assessment

                                  The webcam recording settings of the test

                                  You can configure the monitoring option so that the candidate will be required to open a webcam before starting the test.

                                  Taking photos during the test

                                  If you select the “Photo” option, the system will take photos throughout the testing. The proctors can stream the taken photos in real-time. The photos will also be recorded on the server and hence they can be seen after the test is complete.

                                  Recording webcam video during the test

                                  If you select the “Video” option, the system will record the webcam video during the testing. The proctors can watch the real-time videos or they can watch the videos after the test is done.

                                  The screen recording settings of the test

                                  You can configure the screen recording option so that the screen of the candidate is recorded throughout the testing.

                                  Taking screenshots during the test

                                  If you select the “Screenshot” option, the system will take screenshots while the candidates proceed with the test. The proctors can stream the screenshots in real-time. They can also get access to the screenshots after the test is done.

                                  Recording the screen during the test

                                  If you select the “Screenshot” option, the system will take screenshots while the candidates proceed with the test. The proctors can stream the screenshots in real-time. They can also get access to the screenshots after the test is done.

                                  Lockdown Browser settings and enforcing the fullscreen mode

                                  You can select the safe test mode so that the test is delivered through the lockdown browser. The lockdown browser will enforce the user to move into fullscreen mode before starting the test. The lockdown browser is to prevent the user from accessing other windows, tabs or applications during the test. Lockdown browser is among the best security practices and hence is preferred to promote academic honesty and prevent cheating.

                                  When the lockdown browser is enabled, the candidate has to complete the test in one-sit. The admin and test proctors can always let the candidate sit again by taking control.

                                  You can configure when the system will automatically terminate the test session. For example;

                                  • You can limit the number of violations (how many times a test taker can leave the test page).
                                    • You can limit seconds per violation (in how many seconds, test takers should return back to the test page after leaving it).
                                      • You can limit total seconds per violation.
                                        • You can limit seconds when uploading a file within a question.
                                          • You can limit seconds when asking for media permission.

                                            Logging the events that occur during the test

                                            Logs can be very helpful if suspicious events occur during a test. If you enable the logging, the system will maximize the number of logs it records so that more can be discovered.

                                            When the logging level of the test is set to advanced, not only more logs will be recorded, but also new reports will be automatically generated so that the test administrator can have a better understanding of what happened during the test session. The reports will show how long the candidate spent in each section or page, as well as how many times a page has been visited etc.

                                            Watching the progress of all testing sessions in real-time

                                            In order to have greater control over the assessment process, the administrators and the proctors can watch in real-time the progress of each testing session.

                                            Delivering tests to thousands of people simultaneously by enabling high-performance servers

                                            You can enable high performance servers to get better performance if you need to conduct a high number of simultaneous tests or exams. When you enable high performance servers for the delivery of a test, both more computing resources will be made available and the time to respond for each request will decrease.

                                            Notifying the Administrators and Proctors by sending emails when the test is complete

                                            You can add email addresses to the notification list so that an email is sent whenever one of your candidates completes a test.

                                            Delivering the notification e-mail to proctors when exam is complete
                                            Delivering the notification e-mail to proctors when exam is complete

                                            Customizing the notification e-mails to be sent

                                            You can configure the subject and the body of the email to be sent when one of the candidates completes a test. You can customize it so that a file attachment can be created and sent with the email.

                                            Display of the admin panel where the notification e-mail is customized
                                            Display of the admin panel where the notification e-mail is customized

                                            Creating an assessment funnel where only candidates meeting the criteria can proceed with the next test

                                            If you have an assessment where the candidate is to take multiple tests, you can add some pre-conditions to any of your tests so that only the candidates that had passing scores in the previous steps can proceed with the following test. Similarly, you can force the candidate to follow the given order of the tests.

                                            The example of an assessment where only candidates receiving more than 50 points, can proceed to the next test
                                            The example of an assessment where only candidates receiving more than 50 points, can proceed to the next test

                                            Enabling multiple detailed reports for the test

                                            Multiple kinds of reports can be generated after a test is complete. By enabling the options, the system can generate different kinds of reports where each report displays another aspect of the test result, like Scores by Pages, Scores by Tendencies, Scores by Dimensions, Scores by Question Tags and so on.

                                            Building a custom report for a test

                                            You can import a reporting template and customize both the data and the look of the report. You can contact us to ask for a custom reporting template as well.

                                            Display of the custom report of an exam
                                            Display of the custom report of an exam

                                            Adding a custom header, content or logo to the test report

                                            You can add custom rich content into the report of a test. You can add a logo, image, headings or formatted texts.

                                            Example of the test report including the logo and the text
                                            Example of the test report including the logo and the text

                                            Configuring a norm that the candidate’s test result will be compared with

                                            When a user completes a test, the test report is automatically generated. If you also want to include a “comparison card” where the user’s score is compared with a “norm”, then you can configure how the system will generate such a norm. The norms can be dynamically generated according to your selections or a norm can be created and stored statically.

                                            An example of adding a comparison norm to candidates' exam results via admin panel
                                            An example of adding a comparison norm to candidates' exam results via admin panel

                                            Providing feedback to the candidate after the test is complete

                                            You can enable the feedback mode so that the candidate can get feedback about the answers and how he/she performed. You can configure what the user will be able to see.

                                            Providing question feedback

                                            You can add feedback for each question to explain the reasoning behind and the correct answer of these questions.

                                            A report example where a feedback provided to the candidate
                                            A report example where a feedback provided to the candidate

                                            Making the test report available to the user

                                            You can enable the feedback mode so that the candidate can get feedback about the answers and how he/she performed. You can configure what the user will be able to see.

                                            Writing reviews to open ended questions

                                            Test results for tests having input questions which require evaluation can also include reviews from the evaluator. These notes can also be displayed under the test paper displaying option with “display questions’ feedback” setting.

                                            A feedback example that is added to the open ended question
                                            A feedback example that is added to the open ended question

                                            Delivering a test in practice mode

                                            When you deliver a test in practice mode, the user will get immediate feedback everytime he/she submits answers. The system will make the overall score of the user available on the screen in real-time.

                                            A test example that is sent to the candidate with
                                            A test example that is sent to the candidate with "Practice Mode", including explanation about wrong answers

                                            Displaying a custom content after the test is over

                                            You can set up a message so that the system will display to the users who complete their test. The message can include formatted texts, images, links, audio or video.

                                            A test end page example including a picture for the candidates who finished the exam
                                            A test end page example including a picture for the candidates who finished the exam

                                            Handling Multiple Use-cases within the Same Assessment Process

                                            If the assessment has multiple tests, you may want to assign only some of the tests to different target groups. To achieve this, you can create a “Program” and assign some of the tests with the Program. Then, when you invite a candidate to the assessment, you can associate the candidate with a Program so that he/she will be able to get access to the tests that are associated with this Program.

                                            Customizing the Settings for a Candidate

                                            After your assessment configuration is done, you can start inviting people and everything will flow according to your configuration. However, there may be some cases where you would like to create exceptions for some candidates. In such cases, you can customize the settings for a candidate.

                                            Registrating Candidates for Assessments

                                            You can register candidates for the assessment either one by one or collectively.

                                            Creating an Access Ticket for a Candidate

                                            You can add candidates one by one to the assessment system. In order to do this, you have to create a ticket for each participant. There can be candidate's name, e-mail adress, group, kategory, tags, authentication informations on the ticket.

                                            Ticket example created for a candidate
                                            Ticket example created for a candidate

                                            While registrating the candidate you can customize the assessment process for him/her through several settings. For example, you can customize exam's properties such as access dates or begining/ending hours for each candidate.

                                            A ticket example where access information is customized for the candidate
                                            A ticket example where access information is customized for the candidate

                                            Registrating multiple candidates for the assessments

                                            You can register multiple users at one time. In order to do this you can employ "import all" feature of the assessment system.

                                            An assessment example where multiple candidates are registrated at one time
                                            An assessment example where multiple candidates are registrated at one time

                                            Preventing from the multiple registration of the same candidate

                                            If you want to prevent from registrating the same candidate multiple times, you can enter proper data for each candidate and block the registration of the candidates who have the same datas.

                                            Entering distinguishing datas for candidates in order to prevent from confusing a candidate with the other one
                                            Entering distinguishing datas for candidates in order to prevent from confusing a candidate with the other one

                                            Delivery of the invitation e-mails to candidates

                                            You can invite candidates through sending e-mails to them and determine the delivery date for e-mails. You can add easily accesible links and information by candidates to the title of the e-mail and to the text area which can be formatted by the rich content editor.

                                            An invitation e-mail example to be delivered to candidates
                                            An invitation e-mail example to be delivered to candidates

                                            Categorizing candidates

                                            You can categorize candidates. In order to do this, you can either assign each candidate to a group or add tags to them for more advanced categorization.

                                            The candidate categorization can be helpful for the administration of the assessment process and the retrieval of the exam reports. For example, in a large scale assessment, you can categorize candidates and assign a proctor for each category. In addition, you can retrieve exam results according to categories and compare them later.

                                            Real time proctoring of tests and candidates

                                            You can proctor all exams simultaneously. You can monitor, which candidate started the exam, at which section s/he is, how many question s/he answered.

                                            An assessment example where settings are configured through admin panel, in order to proctor lively all candidates during the exam
                                            An assessment example where settings are configured through admin panel, in order to proctor lively all candidates during the exam

                                            Reconfiguring incomplete exams

                                            If a candidate can not finish the exam because of exceptional cases, you can let her/him continue taking the exam after having determined from which page s/he will continiue.

                                            An incomplete test example that is being re-taken by the candidate
                                            An incomplete test example that is being re-taken by the candidate

                                            Canceling an assessment

                                            You can cancel any exam taken place. In this case, system will admit the exam as not made so, candidate can re-access to the exam.

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