Creating Assessments with Testinvite's Exam Builder & Test Maker

Testinvite assessment platform's online test maker allows you to create exams designed with different configurations, ranging from very simple exams to very complex. Discover what kind of exams you can prepare by learning about the features that the system supports.
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Created by TestInvite / May, 2024

Test Maker for Designing the Exam Structure

An exam consists of one or more sections. Each section contains one or more pages, and each page contains content and questions. Additionally, test maker provides a common asset library can be created for the candidate to access at any time (regardless of the section or page) during the exam.

Time Limits

Testinvite's easy test maker allows you to set a time limit for the entire exam, for each section and for each page independently.

A timer icon is present for the corresponding 'settings' row of each page, section and test with a time limit
A timer icon is present for the corresponding 'settings' row of each page, section and test with a time limit

Forward-Backward Navigation Restrictions

Online test creator allows you to institute a restriction for back-forth navigation between the sections of a test. The same restriction can be instituted for navigating between pages in each section.

The navigation icon automatically added to the
The navigation icon automatically added to the "settings" row of the exam and the sections where going back and forth is allowed.

Section and Page Navigation Menu

Candidates can go through the sections and pages one by one in the order presented to them, and online test creator permits to include a navigation menu to the exam, by selecting the relevant section or page from the menu, they can jump to the sections and pages they want in the exam, return to the sections and pages they have passed, and answer any question they want.

The navigation menu shows all sections and pages in the exam. In Addition, the information on how many questions there are on the pages and how many of the questions have been answered is also summarized.

The navigation menu works hand in hand with the forward-backward restrictions set for the exam and sections. For example, if going back is forbidden in a section, it is not possible to go back to the answered pages in that section. Similarly, if skipping forward is not allowed, the candidate cannot skip beyond the next page.

In the menu on left, subsequent pages are dimmed and unselectable. If returning to a page is forbidden, the warning circled in red will be shown at the bottom of that page
In the menu on left, subsequent pages are dimmed and unselectable. If returning to a page is forbidden, the warning circled in red will be shown at the bottom of that page

Marking a Page for Review

If the page does not have a time limit and there is an opportunity to go back to the page according to the established navigation rules, you can create tests where the candidate can mark the page for review. Marked pages are also shown as marked in the navigation menu.

The icon numbered “1” is the icon on the navigation menu that indicates the page that was previously marked to return to. The box numbered with “2” shows the box to be ticked to set the current page as the “page to return to”.
The icon numbered “1” is the icon on the navigation menu that indicates the page that was previously marked to return to. The box numbered with “2” shows the box to be ticked to set the current page as the “page to return to”.

Numbering of Questions

All questions in the exam can be given sequential and automatic numbers, or you can ensure, by online test maker, that the number of questions starts with one (1) in each section.

You can select the question numbering you want to apply in the exams from the panel shown in the image.
You can select the question numbering you want to apply in the exams from the panel shown in the image.

Automatically Adding Barcode or QR Code to Questions

Barcode or QR Code can be added automatically by the online test maker to the beginning of all questions in the exam. In this way, if a person takes a photo of her/his screen during the exam and this photo is detected, it can be determined by which person that photo was taken by means of the barcode or QR code in the relevant photo.

  The appearance of question barcode during the exam
  The appearance of question barcode during the exam
The appearance of question QR code during the exam
The appearance of question QR code during the exam

Adding a Calculator

Assessment creator allows you to add a calculator that can be used throughout the exam by the candidate.

The calculator that the candidates can use to make numerical calculations can be activated throughout the exam.
The calculator that the candidates can use to make numerical calculations can be activated throughout the exam.

Adding an Asset Library

Assessment maker allows you to create an asset library that will be accessible by candidates throughout the exam. Reading passages, audio tracks, pictures, video clips, and other various files, can be put into the asset library. The asset library is accessible throughout the entire exam, regardless of which section or page the candidate is on.

Contents that can be actively displayed throughout the exam can be added to the asset library by clicking the image icon.
Contents that can be actively displayed throughout the exam can be added to the asset library by clicking the image icon.

When adding an image to the asset library, the features of scaling up & down and zooming in & out the image can be enabled for candidates. In this way, even a very large image that has been added to the content bank can be viewed by the examiner during the exam.

Preventing Potential Copying Attempts

Easy test maker provide several features to obstruct cheating attempts. Some actions that the candidate can use during the exam can be blocked.

  1. The translation of the texts using Google Translate in the browser during the exam can be prevented.
    1. Selection, copy-pasting and printing of exam contents can be prevented.
      By checking the boxes shown, potentially objectionable cheating attempts in exams can be prevented.
      By checking the boxes shown, potentially objectionable cheating attempts in exams can be prevented.

      Determination of Success Scores to be obtained from the exam

      The exam builder automatically calculates scores for the whole exam, for all sections of the exam and for all pages in the exam, and prepares reports. This way, in addition to the success of the candidate throughout the exam, the success of each section and each page is also reported.

      Among the information automatically calculated separately for the exam in general, sections and pages, there is, for example, the following information:

      • Total score achieved
        • Success rate
          • Total number of questions, number of questions answered, number of questions answered correctly, number of questions answered incorrectly, number of questions with partial success, etc
            The score card in the reports shows how many correct-incorrect-blank answers in which section and page.
            The score card in the reports shows how many correct-incorrect-blank answers in which section and page.

            Tracking the success rates by associating the questions with the dimensions

            Even though they are in different sections and pages of the exam, you can associate certain questions with the dimensions and have them reported together. Tracking the success obtained from a group of questions independent of the structure of the exam under a single dimension provides you with the opportunity to make many measurements from an exam.

            Dimensions can be created in a hierarchical structure. For instance:

            • 3 questions can be associated with the Fractional Expressions dimension under the Math dimension.
              • The 2 questions can be associated with the First-Degree Equation dimension under the Math dimension.

                In this example, 5 questions are reported under the Mathematics dimension, only 3 questions under the Fractional Expressions dimension, and 2 questions under the First Degree Equation dimension.

                Number of questions in each dimension, number of correct-incorrect-blank answers and success percentages are reported.
                Number of questions in each dimension, number of correct-incorrect-blank answers and success percentages are reported.

                Creating Tendency Reports by associating questions with tendency

                Often personality inventories and competency tests measure disposition, not success. In this case, it does not measure how successful a candidate is, but what he or she is more prone to. For this, online test maker provides questions associated with tendency.

                “Tendency Report” obtained by associating questions with tendency
                “Tendency Report” obtained by associating questions with tendency

                Test Sections

                The test can consist of many sections. Exam builder allows you to create online tests composed of as many sections as you want.

                There may be different reasons for dividing the exam into sections. For instance:

                • You may want different parts of the exam to be reported separately. In this case, dividing the test into sections may be a practical solution.
                  • The exam may consist of very different parts from each other. In this case, dividing the assessment into sections can be beneficial for the candidate's experience.
                    • You may want to apply different time limits to different parts of the test. In this case, you can divide the exam into sections and set a time limit for each section.
                      • In one part of the exam, you may want the order of the pages and questions to be automatically mixed randomly, and in another part of the assessment, you may want the order of the pages and questions to be presented in the order you specify.
                        • You may want to create assessments with different configurations in different parts of them. For example, if you want to restrict back-and-forth navigation in one part of the exam and turn it off in another part, dividing the test into sections in this way can help you achieve your goal.

                          Sections allow you to practice different configurations in different parts of the exam. Because:

                          • Each section may have its own time limit.
                            • The order of the pages in each section can be shuffled automatically for each candidate
                              • For each section; back-and-forth navigation restrictions can be set within the pages in the section.
                                Create assessments consisting of as many sections as you need
                                Create assessments consisting of as many sections as you need
                                1. Icon indicating there is a time limit in the section
                                  1. Icon indicating page order is shuffled within the section
                                    1. Icon indicating navigating back-and-forth is allowed within the section

                                      Adding Pages to Sections

                                      When adding content to sections, easy test maker provides different methods when you create tests:

                                      • You can add pages to sections one-by-one, you can add content and questions to each page.
                                        • By using the random page selector, you can randomly select the number of pages you specify from a group of pages
                                          You can use this feature by choosing the “random page picker” option in the red box when adding a page.
                                          You can use this feature by choosing the “random page picker” option in the red box when adding a page.
                                          • By using the automatic page builder, you can ensure that the number of questions you specify is randomly selected from a pool of questions you will create, and they are presented in the number of pages you specify.
                                            You can use this feature by choosing the
                                            You can use this feature by choosing the "auto page builder" option in the red box when adding a page.

                                            Sorting the Pages

                                            • You can specify the order of the pages in the section and have them presented in accordance with the order you have determined.
                                              • You can shuffle the order of all the pages in a section randomly for each candidate. Additionally, even if the page order is shuffled in a section, you can fix the order of a certain page or pages if needed.

                                                Adding Questions and Content to Pages

                                                Online exam builder allows you to add content and questions to each page in the test:

                                                1. You can create questions and content within the exam.
                                                  1. You can batch import many questions into the page at once.
                                                    1. You can add grouped content that you have stored in content groups to the page
                                                      1. You can add any of the questions you have stored in the question bank to the page.
                                                        1. You can automatically select a random question from a pool of questions you specify and add it to the page.

                                                          Sorting the Questions and Contents on the Page

                                                          • Online test maker allows you to specify the order of the questions and content on the page and have them presented in the order you specify.
                                                            • You can have the questions on the page sorted randomly for each candidate. Although the order of the questions on the page is determined randomly, you can fix the order of the questions you want.
                                                              By marking the boxes marked with arrows, the question in question is fixed on the page when it is marked. Even if the questions on the page are mixed, the position of this question will remain fixed.
                                                              By marking the boxes marked with arrows, the question in question is fixed on the page when it is marked. Even if the questions on the page are mixed, the position of this question will remain fixed.

                                                              Determination of Obligatory Questions to Answer

                                                              You can make it mandatory to answer any of the questions on the page. With the random question selected, you can make it mandatory to answer all the questions to be selected from the question pool.

                                                              You can make a question mandatory to be answered while editing a page during the exam by ticking the boxes indicated by the arrow.
                                                              You can make a question mandatory to be answered while editing a page during the exam by ticking the boxes indicated by the arrow.

                                                              Determining the Score, Size and Tendency Effects of the Questions on the Page

                                                              You can determine the scores, dimensions and tendency effects of the questions you add to the page. When you add questions from the question bank to the test page, the default score, size, and tendency effects of the question are preserved. However, you can change these values after you add them to the test.

                                                              Trying the Test with Preview

                                                              After creating tests, you can try them as many times as you want. In this way, you can be sure that the exam works exactly as you want, in accordance with the settings you have made.

                                                              Exam preview and turbo options are activated by selecting the marked options in the image.
                                                              Exam preview and turbo options are activated by selecting the marked options in the image.

                                                              Presenting the Exam by Opening the Practice Mode

                                                              Test creator allows you to present exams in 2 ways.

                                                              • When the exam is presented normally, the goal is to measure the candidate's competencies. Therefore, no feedback is given regarding the correct or incorrect answers given by the candidate during the assessment.
                                                                • When the test is presented in practice mode, the goal is for the candidate to learn from their mistakes. Therefore, during the exam, after the candidate answers the questions on a page, he receives feedback on which answers are correct and which are incorrect, and answer explanations are displayed for questions that are not answered correctly
                                                                  An exam can be previewed in Practice Mode by clicking on the option in the red circle.
                                                                  An exam can be previewed in Practice Mode by clicking on the option in the red circle.
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