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Question types and features
Capabilities of test question authoring tool
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March, 2023
Testinvite provides a wide range of question types that can be included in your tests to effectively evaluate various skills, competencies, and personality traits.
Multiple choice questions
A multiple choice question is a type of question that presents a set of possible answers, and the respondent is asked to select one or more of those answers as the correct response.
Multiple choice questions may incorporate visual elements such asimages, audio, and video, as well as mathematical expressions and formulas in both the question prompt and answer choices.
The arrangement of the answer choices can be randomized for each individual taking the test.
Individual weighting can be assigned to each answer choice. The weight impacts the scoring of the multiple choice question.
You can set a minimum selection requirement for your multiple choice question, specifying the minimum number of answer choices that must be selected.
You can set a maximum selection requirement for your multiple choice question, specifying the maximum number of answer choices that must be selected.
When your multiple choice question allows for the selection of multiple answers, you can set a scoring threshold for automatic evaluation. If the test-taker's score falls below this threshold, no points will be awarded.
The answer choices can be presented horizontally, vertically, inside a grid or within a dropdown menu.
Including a hint in the question is possible. The test-taker can access the provided hint at any time while answering the question, which can contain formatted text, images, audio, video, mathematical formulas or expressions.
You can create feedback for your question using various media such as formatted text, images, audio, and video. Feedback can be shown either while taking the test after the question has been answered or after the test has been finished.
Previewing the question while constructing it is possible. You can also test the automatic scoring at any point during the process.
A true-false question is a type of multiple choice question that requires the respondent to determine if a statement is true or false. It is a binary question, meaning there are only two possible answers: either "true" or "false".
Listening questions
A listening question is a type of assessment question that requires the test-taker to listen to audio or spoken content and then answer questions based on what they have heard.
Listening questions are commonly used in language proficiency tests, such as English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS), to evaluate the test-taker's ability to understand spoken English. They can also be used in other subjects, such as history or social studies, to assess the test-taker's listening comprehension skills.
The aim of listening questions is to assess the test-taker's ability to understand and comprehend spoken language, as well as their knowledge of the subject being tested.
The format of listening questions can vary, encompassing multiple-choice, true-false, matching, long-answer, short-answer, and speaking questions.
It is possible to upload custom listening audio and configure the extent to which the test-taker is able to listen to it, including the number of times listening is permitted and whether the test-taker is allowed to pause during the audio.
Multiple questions related to a single audio clip can be provided.
Video questions
A video question is a type of assessment question that involves a video clip and accompanying questions to evaluate the test-taker's understanding and comprehension of the video content.
Video questions can be used in a variety of subjects, such as history, science, or language arts, to assess the test-taker's ability to watch, comprehend, and analyze video content.
The format of video questions can vary, encompassing multiple-choice, true-false, matching, long-answer, short-answer, and speaking questions.
You can upload your own custom video and set the parameters for how the test-taker is able to view it, such as the number of times it can be watched and whether pausing is allowed during the video.
Your video content can be accompanied by multiple questions that are related to the video content.
Matching questions
A matching question is a type of assessment question that requires the test-taker to match items from two or more lists or columns.
The goal of a matching question is to assess the test-taker's ability tounderstand relationships, compare and contrast information, and make connections between items.
The test-taker is presented with a list of items in one column and another list of items in a second column, and is asked to match items from each column by selecting the correct corresponding item.
You can create a list of options for all the items in the left column and determine the number of times each option can be paired with an item.
Alternatively, each item in the left column can have its own unique options.
You can specify the required number of matches for the answer to be accepted.
You can set how each pairing affects the overall score of the answer.
You can determine the impact on the score if any of the items are not paired with any options.
You can establish a minimum score requirement, below which the answer will not receive any points.
Sorting questions
A sorting question is a type of matching question in which the test-taker is required to rearrange a set of items into a specific order. The items can be words, phrases, images, or any other type of content. The test-taker is given a list of items and must arrange them in the correct order by assigning each item a numerical position.
The sorting question can be used to assess a wide range of skills, including categorization, sequencing, and prioritization. The question can be automatically graded, and the test-taker's response can be compared against a correct answer key to determine the score.
You can determine the minimum and maximum number of items that must be sorted correctly for the answer to be considered valid.
You can configure the effect each sorting has on the overall score of the answer.
You can define the impact on the score if any of the items are not properly sorted.
You can establish a minimum score threshold, below which the answer will not be awarded any points.
Open ended questions (Input questions)
There are various subtypes of input questions in which the way the test-taker responds varies based on the tools provided by the solution, including Text field, Text area, Numeric input, Rich content editor, Audio recorder, Video recorder, Code editor, and Tabular form.
Short answer questions
A short answer question is a type of assessment question that requires the test-taker to provide a brief, concise, and specific answer in a limited number of words.
The test-taker must demonstrate an understanding of the content by writing a response that accurately reflects the knowledge or skill being tested. The answer to a short answer question is usually evaluated based on its accuracy, completeness, and relevance to the prompt. The length of a short answer response can vary, but it is typically a few sentences or a short paragraph.
The test-taker can be given the option to provide either a single line or multiple line answer.
A character counter can be displayed so that the test-taker is informed of the length of their answer at all times.
A virtual keyboard can be provided on the screen, allowing the test-taker to type in the answer using a keyboard that is appropriate for the language they are expected to write in.
The answer given by the test-taker can be automatically validated using predefined rules, and if the answer does not meet the rules, a custom validation error message can be displayed to prompt the test-taker.
The answer must exactly match the specified value.
Not Equality
The answer must not match the specified value.
Compliance with Regular Expression
The answer must conform to the given regular expression.
Non-Compliance with Regular Expression
The answer must not conform to the given regular expression.
One of Provided Values
The answer must be one of the values provided.
None of Provided Values
The answer must not be any of the values provided.
Long text answer questions (Writing question)
You can create questions with long essay-type answers by using the Text area. The Test-taker answers the question by typing the answer in a multi-line text field. You can limit the character count and use other features such as label, placeholder, hint, prefix, and suffix
Rich content response questions
Rich content response question type allows the test-taker to respond to a question by utilizing a rich content editor. This editor provides various functions such as creating lists, headings, colored text, and more. Additionally, test-takers can include images, audio or video clips, and even mathematical expressions and formulas in their response.
On-screen keyboard
You can use our on-screen keyboard that supports multiple languages in your tests. An on-screen keyboard allows you flexibility since not every device supports every language.
Our on-screen keyboard supports multiple languages which are:
Virtual keyboard also includes a keyboard for special Spanish characters and Arabic numbers.
Numerical input questions
A numeric input question is a type of assessment question that requires the respondent to enter a numerical answer.
The numerical input questionensures that the test-taker responds to the question by writing a valid number.
The format of the numerical response can be established by following the specified settings, which dictate the use of symbols such as commas and points for the thousand separator and precision operator, respectively. This ensures that the respondent is required to enter the numeric value in the prescribed format.
Given the numerical nature of the response, rules can be established to automatically evaluate the given answer. Multiple rule types can be defined and utilized together. These rules include:
The response must be equal to a specified value.
Not equal
The response must not be equal to a specified value.
The response must be a number between two specified values.
Greater than
The response must be greater than a specified value.
Less than
The response must be less than a specified value.
One of
The response must be equal to one of several specified values.
None of
The response must not be equal to any of the specified values.
Writing math questions
Use our rich text editor to create complex math question with equations.
Typing test questions
A typing test question is a type of question that requires the test-taker to type a specific word, phrase, sentence, or paragraph within a given time limit to assess their typing speed and accuracy. These questions are commonly used in job recruitment processes, educational assessments, and training programs where typing proficiency is required.
Fill-in-a-table questions
Create a question with a tabular answer. Simulate the look of an excel sheet with fill-in-a-table questions.
Create Fill-in-a-table questions by using our Tabular input type. The tabular input type allows you to use this grid-like structure for your answers.
File upload question
Allow test-takers to upload files as answers. You can accept any type of file as input. Use this function to give assignments before the test then accepts the finished assigment in the test, etc.
Ask test-takers to upload files such as assignments given before the test or a digital drawing made by the test-taker. Our system accepts any kind of file so you should have no limits while asking for a file. You can even accept advanced file types for programs such as AutoCad, Photoshop , etc.
Speaking questions
A speaking question requires the respondent to provide a spoken answer using the voice recording software presented, in response to the inquiry.
A speaking question is an inquiry that calls for a spoken response, recorded through voice, as the answer to the question.
The maximum length of the response can be set by specifying a maximum duration.
The number of attempts the respondent has to record their answer can be determined.
Interview questions
Create interview question to allow test-takers to record themselves as an answer. This can create more engagement with the participants in your tests thanks to the personal level of the question.
Create an interview question to let the Test-takers create a video as an answer. This adds a personal touch to your tests since you can see the participant when they answer the question establishing a visual link with them.
A coding question is a type of assessment that requires a candidate to write code to solve a problem or implement a specific feature. They typically involve writing code in a specific programming language and submitting it for review.
The code editor supports a large number of programming languages and scripts.
You can configure which language or script the code editor will support while constructing the question.
You can set the initial code that the editor will start with. You can add comments and instructions inside the code block.
Psychometric test questions
Use our side-effects or dimensions feature to create Psychometric tests. Side-effects and dimensions allow you great flexibility while measuring cognitive ability, personality traits, or mental health status.
Composite questions
A content group is a pre-assembled compilation of content and questions that can be utilized across multiple tests.
Questions with a sidebar content
A sidebar is a vertical column on the side of a test question used to display supplementary content such as images, reading material, audio or video clips. The sidebar can be positioned either to the left or right of the question text.
Questions with feedback
Leave feedback to your test-takers to help them improve. Leave feedback to your colleagues and point out places in the exam where they can make improvements. You can also just explain how the question is solved step by step to help participants understand the solving process better.