Create and use your own questions or use our expertly-made tests.

Testinvite allows you to create your own test with your custom questions or use our expertly-made tests from our marketplace.
December, 2022

Testinvite allows you to create your very own tests by simply creating the questions in our question bank and then forming a test with these questions. We offer a lot of customization options for our question editor which will allow you to create a lot of varied question types.

Some of these question types are:

Multiple choice questions True-false questionsYes or no questions
Listening questionsVideo Questions Matching questions
Sorting questions Writing questionsOpen-ended questions
Close-ended questionsSpeaking questionsCoding questions
Numerical input questions Interview questionsFill in a table questions
File upload questionTake a picture questionsPsycometric test questions
Composite questionsTyping test questions Writing math questions
Objective questionsSubjective questionsLikert scale questions
Left to right question


Mustafa Ekim

Mustafa Ekim, founder of TestInvite and QuizCV, brings nearly a decade of expertise in building online assessment platforms for custom, secure tests.
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