Which domains to whitelist to be able to use the exam software? Taking & Designing Assessment

Which domains to whitelist to be able to use the exam software? Taking & Designing Assessment

Created by Erdem Ekim / August, 2022

Taking & Designing Assessment

In business offices and educational institutions, the internet access may be limited by a firewall and/or policies, which might prevent the Test Invite Exam Software from functioning as expected. There are several domains that need to be whitelisted in the networks of test taker and test administrators for Test Invite software to function properly. Since Test Invite is built on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), naturally, our system uses several domains from Google to function properly.

In addition, Test Invite allows both test takers and test creators/administrators to add media files (images, videos, audio records etc. ) to the Test Invite system using external URLs. For these media files to be properly visible, all of the domains which contain the media files need to be accessible from the network. We recommend hosting all the assessment content in Test Invite servers to not face any further issues.

Sending Out Invitation Emails

Business and school email servers tend to have stricter rules and more aggressive spam filters. If a company’s email servers suddenly receive hundreds of emails from a single domain, the servers might start to put these emails to recipients spam folder, or outright reject them, leading to intended receivers to never see the email. For example, if the employees of the company ABC were supposed to receive invitation emails from info@testinvite.com in their work email addresses in <employee_name>@abc.com format, a significant portion of the employees might not receive the email.

To circumvent this issue, the company’s IT administrators should whitelist the domain testinvite.com BEFORE the emails are scheduled to be sent.

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