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We believe that if one user has a question, there could be more users who may have the same question. That is why we publish here all the questions coming from our users (as long as the question is relevant to others as well) and their detailed answers. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question:

If a candidate missed a section of the test, can I ask them to go back to the...
If a candidate missed a section of the test, can I ask them to go back to the test and complete it?

Yes, it is possible to re-setup the exam and allow your candidate or student to continue with an interrupted exam. Check the following video to see...

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What are the items listed in the Export Manager?
What are the items listed in the Export Manager?

What are the items listed in the Export Manager?

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How can I show the test result to a user who has completed the exam?
How can I show the test result to a user who has completed the exam?

If you want a test taker to see the result of an exam that he/she has completed, you must enable Feedback Options from the settings of the...

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How to troubleshoot export PDF issues
How to troubleshoot export PDF issues

How to troubleshoot export PDF issues

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Web camera issues
Web camera issues

Troubleshooting webcam isssues.

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How many participants may take an exam simultaneously?
How many participants may take an exam simultaneously?

If you are looking to implement exams for hundreds or thousands of participants at the same time, the following questions may be asked:

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How can I log in as an account owner when I forget my password?
How can I log in as an account owner when I forget my password?

As an account owner, you might have forgot your password which you generated when you sign-up.You can easily renew your password with Testinvite.

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How to fix the scores of test questions after the test has been delivered?
How to fix the scores of test questions after the test has been delivered?

How to fix the scores of test questions after the test has been delivered?

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