How to troubleshoot export PDF issues

How to troubleshoot export PDF issues

Created by Erdem Ekim / August, 2022

1. Pdf export for exam result

You can export an exam summary result from test results/test result/summary tab, time to time pdf output can be corrupted, this may occur due to internet connection or client pc’s hardware specifications, when you get a corrupted pdf output browsers cache this result according to their caching settings. When you try to get the result again you are getting same corrupted result due to this settings to prevent this please follow alternative ways below;

1.1 Check your browser as if it is supported, supported browsers

  1. Firefox 3.5+
    1. Google Chrome
      1. Opera 12+
        1. IE9+
          1. Safari 6+

            1.2. Cache Disable

            When you get a corrupted output disable and clear your cache, refresh page and try to get pdf output again.

            1.3. Or Incognito Mode

            Open your browser in incognito mode for prevent caching and try to get pdf output again.


                                                                Example Exam Result Page

            2. Export PDF for Test Question and Answers Troubleshooting

            2.1. Relatively long exams

            PDF Export relies on client pc’s memory and process specifications, time to time especially client pc’s memory size is not enough for asynchronous export process, so please select syncronize option and increase init time property of pdf export setting and try again.

            2.2. Corrupted pdf result caching

            You can export an exam summary result from test results/test result/summary tab, time to time pdf output can be corrupted, this may occur due to internet connection or client pc’s hardware specifications, when you get a corrupted pdf output browsers cache this result according to their caching settings. When you try to get the result again you are getting same corrupted result due to this settings to prevent this please follow alternative ways below.

            2.2.1. Cache Disable

            When you get a corrupted output disable and clear your cache, refresh page and try to get pdf output again.

            2.2.2. Or Incognito Mode

            Open your browser in incognito mode for prevent caching and try to get pdf output again.


                                                    Example Exam Question/Answer Page

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