Input questions

Input questions and various ways the user can respond.
July, 2022

Input question is an open ended question. How the Test-taker responds to the question determines the sub-type of the Input question.

The input type you select determines how the question will be answered. The input type can be text, media, numerical values, audio, video, code, or files.

We start creating our question by typing our question in the Question tab section.  

Then, we will determine the Input type. We can select the Input type in the Answer tab.

Input types:

  • Text field: Short text entry questions. The Test-taker answers the question by typing in a single-line text field.
    • Text area: Long essay-type questions. The Test-taker answers the question by typing the answer in a multi-line text field.
      • Numeric: Numerical entry question. The Test-taker answers the question by typing the answer in a numerical text field.
        • Rich text editor: Writing question. Allows the Test-taker to use a more advanced text editor with more visual customization options. The Test-taker can answer the question with Writing that's supported by visuals and other media types
          • Audio recorder: Speaking questions. The Test-taker will record an audio clip as an answer.
            • Video recorder: Interview questions. The Test-taker will record a video clip as an answer.
              • Code editor: Coding questions. The Test-taker will write code as an answer.
                • File uploader: File upload questions. The Test-taker will upload files as an answer with the File uploader.
                  • Take photo: Take a picture questions. The Test-taker will Take a picture via their Webcam or take a Screenshot of their computer screen with the Take photo input type.
                    • Tabular: Fill-in-a-table questions. The Test-taker answers the question by filling in the tabular.

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