Dynamic page builder

Generating pages with randomized questions
March, 2023

The Dynamic page builder feature enables you to generate tests with randomized questions. You can configure a pool of questions and distribute them into a specific number of pages. This ensures that each test-taker is presented with different questions.

The 'Dynamic page builder' randomly selects questions from a pool of questions for each test-taker at the time of compiling the test, unlike the 'Static page builder,' which generates pages at the design time, resulting in the same pages and questions being served to each test-taker.

To utilize the Dynamic page builder for generating pages within a section, select the red plus icon located after the last page of the section, and then select "Dynamic page builder" from the options provided. The dynamic page builder editor will open.

The dynamic page builder

To use the Dynamic page builder, follow these steps:

  1. Provide a name for the Dynamic page builder instance.
    1. Build a question pool by selecting questions from your question bank.
      1. Input the number of questions to be randomly selected from the question pool.
        1. Enter the total number of pages to be created.
          The above configuration will generate two pages for each test-taker, each containing five randomly selected questions, at the time of test compilation.
          The above configuration will generate two pages for each test-taker, each containing five randomly selected questions, at the time of test compilation.
          The dynamic page builder can also be utilized to include all the questions within the pool of questions you created. In this scenario, all test-takers will be presented with the same set of questions since there is no random selection from the pool. However, this is still a practical use case to create a test that quickly serves a set of questions.

          Marking test questions as required for test-takers

          Select the "Answer is required" option to automatically mark all the test questions that are to be included in pages as Mandatory.

          Marking test questions as ineffective for scoring

          Select the "Ineffective" option to mark all the test questions that are included in pages as ineffective for scoring, preventing them from affecting the overall test scores.

          Automatic setting of time limits for generated pages

          To automatically set a time limit for all pages generated by the Dynamic page builder, you can enable the Time limit per question option and enter the number of seconds per question. This will allow the tool to automatically calculate the time limit for each page.

          How is the time limit of each page calculated?

          The tool will calculate the time limit for each page by multiplying the number of seconds per question with the number of questions in a page. For example, if a page contains 10 questions and you set 30 seconds per question, the time limit for that page will be automatically set to 300 seconds (10 x 30).

          Allowing pages to be spread in the section

          Do you want to keep the pages generated by the Dynamic page builder in a sequence, or do you want them to be shuffled along with the other pages within the same section, in a scenario where you have configured to shuffle the order of the pages within a section and the section includes a Dynamic page builder as well as other pages?

          To allow the pages generated by the Dynamic page builder to be randomly ordered with all the other pages inside the section, select the "Allow pages to be spread in the section" option.

          Uniforming the scoring parameters of the questions

          When using the Dynamic page builder to generate pages, the selected questions are distributed from your question pool. However, these questions may not have the desired scoring parameters for your test, as they come directly from the question bank. To address this, you can uniform the scoring parameters of all the questions within the Dynamic page builder editor. This allows you to modify and overwrite the scoring parameters to meet your needs.

          To standardize the scoring parameters of the questions in the Dynamic page builder:

          1. Switch to the advanced settings mode
            1. Deselect the "Keep points and dimensions as are" option
              1. Input the new scoring parameters that you want to apply to all the questions.
                All questions will be given a score of 3 points, with the dimension of Geography/Europe/Western Europe being weighted by 1 point.
                All questions will be given a score of 3 points, with the dimension of Geography/Europe/Western Europe being weighted by 1 point.


                Mustafa Ekim

                Mustafa Ekim, founder of TestInvite and QuizCV, brings nearly a decade of expertise in building online assessment platforms for custom, secure tests.
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