Listening questions

A listening question is a type of assessment question that requires the test-taker to listen to audio or spoken content and then answer questions based on what they have heard.
December, 2022

Listening questions are commonly used in language proficiency tests, such as English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS), to evaluate the test-taker's ability to understand spoken English. They can also be used in other subjects, such as history or social studies, to assess the test-taker's listening comprehension skills.

The aim of listening questions is to assess the test-taker's ability to understand and comprehend spoken language, as well as their knowledge of the subject being tested.

Types of listening questions

The format of listening questions can vary, encompassing multiple-choice, true-false, matching, long-answer, short-answer, and speaking questions.

Including audio clips in the listening question

It is possible to upload custom listening audio and configure the extent to which the test-taker is able to listen to it, including the number of times listening is permitted and whether the test-taker is allowed to pause during the audio.

A series of questions that follows the audio clip

Multiple questions related to a single audio clip can be provided.


Mustafa Ekim

Mustafa Ekim, founder of TestInvite and QuizCV, brings nearly a decade of expertise in building online assessment platforms for custom, secure tests.
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