Kutupsoft Inc. is a company registered in Delaware, USA.
Company name | Kutupsoft Inc. |
Entity type | C Corporation |
Tax ID | 61-1974052 |
Date of incorporation | 2020, 14th of July |
Address | 651 N Broad St, Suite 206, Middletown 19709, New Castle, Delaware, USA. |
Telephone | 0212 465 1022 |
Kutupsoft Inc. welcomes payments in both USD and EURO.
To find out how to make a payment in either of these currencies, please refer to the instructions below, based on the sender bank's location.
Currency | Sender bank | |
USD | In USA | Outside USA |
EURO | in the EU and SEPA | Outside in the EU and SEPA |
Making payments in USD via bank transfer for TestInvite's products and services
If the paying bank is located in the United States, you can utilize the following bank account information to make a payment to Kutupsoft INC.
USD account details for Kutupsoft INC.
Account holder | Kutupsoft INC |
ACH and Wire routing number | 026073150 |
Account number | 822000247178 |
Account type | Checking |
Wise's address | 30 W. 26th Street, Sixth Floor, New York NY 10010 United States |
If the paying bank is located outside the United States, you can utilize the following bank account information to make a payment to Kutupsoft INC.
USD account details for Kutupsoft INC.
Account holder | Kutupsoft INC |
Routing number | 026073150 |
Account number | 822000247178 |
Wise's address | 30 W. 26th Street, Sixth Floor, New York NY 10010 United States |
Making payments in EURO via bank transfer for TestInvite's products and services
If the paying bank is located in the EU and SEPA, you can utilize the following bank account information to make a payment to Kutupsoft INC.
EUR account details for Kutupsoft INC.
Account holder | Kutupsoft INC |
IBAN | BE96 9677 8983 6105 |
Wise's address | Rue du Trône 100, 3rd floor, Brussels 1050, Belgium |
If the paying bank is located outside the EU and SEPA, you can utilize the following bank account information to make a payment to Kutupsoft INC.
EUR account details for Kutupsoft INC.
Account holder | Kutupsoft INC |
IBAN | BE96 9677 8983 6105 |
Wise's address | Rue du Trône 100, 3rd floor Brussels 1050 Belgium |