Content editor features

Components and options

Created by Mustafa Ekim / April, 2023


Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5

Heading 1 with Anchor

centered text

right aligned text

justified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified textjustified text justified text


* * *
  1. One
    1. Two
      1. Sub item 1
        1. Sub-sub item 1
          1. Sub-sub item 2
          2. Sub item 2
          3. Three
            Test settings dialog<br>
            Test settings dialog
            • First
              • Second
                • Inner item 1
                  • Inner-inner item 1
                    • Inner-inner item 2
                    • Inner item 2
                    Kemal aday olma
                    Mustafa E.
                    alert: info
                    alert: success
                    alert: warning
                    alert: neutral
                    alert: error
                    alert: cart
                    alert: none
                    alert: revert
                    // write a sample function
                    async function helloWorld(){
                      return 1+2;

                    You can embed any custom HTML code here


                    Mustafa Ekim

                    Mustafa Ekim, founder of TestInvite and QuizCV, brings nearly a decade of expertise in building online assessment platforms for custom, secure tests.
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