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We believe that if one user has a question, there could be more users who may have the same question. That is why we publish here all the questions coming from our users (as long as the question is relevant to others as well) and their detailed answers. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question:

Evaluation of open-ended questions: How to add reviews?
Evaluation of open-ended questions: How to add reviews?

You may have open-ended (subjective) questions that you need to evaluate after your test takers complete their exams. If your aim is only to give a...

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How can I evaluate manually Input/Open-ended Questions?
How can I evaluate manually Input/Open-ended Questions?

How can I evaluate manually Input/Open-ended Questions?

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How does Fullscreen Violation work?
How does Fullscreen Violation work?

How does Fullscreen Violation work?

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How to create multiple tickets with 1 credential?
How to create multiple tickets with 1 credential?

Check the following video to learn how to create tickets and allow your participants, students, or candidates to authenticate into your assessments,...

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Which audio file types can be uploaded into questions?
Which audio file types can be uploaded into questions?

When preparing a question, an audio file can be added into the question using the rich content editor. In the editor, you can click on the musical...

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Evaluation of input questions: How to add reviews?
Evaluation of input questions: How to add reviews?

Evaluation of input questions: How to add reviews?

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How to create a user account
How to create a user account

You can create user accounts to access the exam software for your employees, colleagues, and test-takers.

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How to Auto-Resize Images
How to Auto-Resize Images

You can go to the images uploader at the Rich Content Editor to add auto-fit images.

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Can the Microsoft Edge browser be used for the online tests?
Can the Microsoft Edge browser be used for the online tests?

Online test with microsoft edge browser

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