As an online assessment software, TestInvite's systems store various types of data, which can be categorized into two main groups: data uploaded by our paying customers and data uploaded by the test-takers.
This refers to the data uploaded by our paying customers into the TestInvite system, such as exam questions, tests, assessment settings, test-taker lists, and associated files, among others.
These include all the data the test-taker uploads during the assessment process, such as forms submitted before or after exams, answers to questions, recordings, photos, screenshots, proctoring materials, logs of browser activity, IP addresses, navigation history, documents submitted before or after starting the exam, and exam scores generated automatically or evaluated by the test administrators.
TestInvite is hosted within the Google Cloud ecosystem in the U.S.A. region. Both data-processing servers and storage are located in the U.S.A.
TestInvite typically gathers personal data on behalf of its customers to deliver exam-related services to their participants. In these instances, the customer acts as the "data controller" while TestInvite serves as the "data processor," as defined by relevant data and privacy regulations. As a data processor, TestInvite strictly processes personal data based on the applicable contract to provide exam-related services to its customers.
What's the technology stack behind TestInvite?
TestInvite acts as a data processor and utilizes FedRAMP compliant Google Cloud services.
FedRAMP stands for the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program, which is a US government program that provides a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products and services. FedRAMP options refer to the different levels of security controls and assessments that a cloud service provider can choose to implement to comply with the FedRAMP requirements. There are three FedRAMP security impact levels (low, moderate, and high), and cloud service providers can choose to implement controls and assessments that correspond to their customers' security requirements.
Google Cloud is FedRAMP compliant. Google Cloud has multiple FedRAMP authorized services, including Google Compute Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, and Google Cloud Storage. Additionally, Google Cloud Platform has obtained FedRAMP Moderate and High Authorizations for its government customers, ensuring that it meets the strict security requirements for federal agencies.
Yes, we do. Some of our service providers (such as Google Cloud, Mailgun Technologies Inc. Inc. and Google Analytics) and all the data that we collect is stored in the United States. Therefore, by selecting TestInvite as your partner, you consent to the transfer of personal data outside of your home country.
We confirm Google Cloud, Mailgun Technologies Inc. Inc. and Google Analytics are all certified EU – U.S. Privacy Shield organisations.
Following Shrems II decision of the European Union Court of Justice dated 16 July 2020, international data transfers we make within its scope are made within the framework of standard contractual clauses. These terms are available in the Data Processing Addendum.
TestInvite uses a simple email and password authentication system for user login. In addition, we support organizational structures where teammates can be added under an organization and assigned specific roles. Each role defines the permissions and actions available to that user within the system, allowing for controlled access based on assigned responsibilities.
To ensure confidentiality, we use JSON Web Encryption (JWE) tokens to secure data access. Additionally, we implement Firebase security rules that restrict access to data based on the presence of these tokens. Only requests containing the appropriate tokens with the necessary roles or permissions are granted access, ensuring that only authorized persons can view or interact with the data.
TestInvite is using HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) to transfer data over HTTP, which ensures encryption and security through SSL/TLS protocols.
Is our data going to be kept confidential and secure?
Does TestInvite maintain audit logs?
What methods are used for data backup?
TestInvite does not own any physical data storage locations. Our platform is fully hosted on Google Cloud, and we rely on Google's physical security measures to ensure the protection of our data storage infrastructure.
How do we manage and remediate vulnerabilities?
When it comes to our procedures for handling and deleting data, there are three distinct types.
This encompasses the data uploaded by our customers, such as exam questions, assessment instructions, documents, images, audio and video materials, and test-taker lists. As long as the account owner remains a customer, we retain this data. However, we provide tools for data deletion.
Please refer to our privacy policy for the rules around being deemed a customer.
Exam Response Data comprises all information submitted by test-takers during exams, including answers to exam questions. This category is dedicated to capturing and storing responses provided by individuals as part of their assessment process.
Please refer to our privacy policy for the comprehensive list of items within this data category and the rules around being deemed a customer.
Supplementary Test-Taker Data includes personal information collected from or uploaded by test-takers, excluding their responses to exam questions. This category encompasses proctoring materials, pre-exam form submissions, and any extra data submitted by individuals during the assessment process that does not constitute part of the exam response.
Please refer to our privacy policy for the comprehensive list of items within this data category.
All customers are required to comply with our privacy policy, data addendum, terms and conditions, and data handling procedures as declared on our website. However, enterprise customers with the necessary add-ons have the option to customize the timing of data deletion for added flexibility.
Is TestInvite software GDPR compliant?
No, TestInvite cannot be deployed on-premises because it is a cloud-native application hosted on Google Cloud. It utilizes services that cannot be replicated on simple servers. Being cloud-native allows TestInvite to be highly scalable, making it ideal for administering online assessments to thousands of concurrent test-takers while recording their actions, webcam, and screen recordings without delays or lags.
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